Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Live Event Video Streaming Services in Singapore

With the coming of online advancements, live video spilling has additionally become an appealing elective among the individuals who might not have a huge following yet might want to offer their loved ones the chance to watch a unique occasion in the case of being a wedding, dedication administration, graduation, or some other extraordinary event. Moreover, settings that have restricted seating limit (for example, temples and synagogues) might need to communicate an occasion to the individuals who are unable to go to. This is likewise a compelling method to share an occasion with somebody who is hospitalized and incapable to genuinely join in.

The advantages of live video streaming administrations are too convincing for some to disregard, which is the reason such huge numbers of organizations are deciding to get before their clients live by means of video. Regardless of whether you are gushing a live occasion including your organization, communicating an instructional course, or setting up a grieved representative before the CEO for the whole organization’s survey, live gushing makes it workable for you to associate with all partners progressively. This simple, ongoing access fabricates a feeling of network and enables all to feel progressively associated with the organization, which is actually what you are attempting to accomplish.

Benefits of Live Event Video Streaming

There are many inherent benefits to the live streaming of events. It is no coincidence that so many companies are beginning to see the value in live video streaming and are taking advantage of a medium that is unparalleled when it comes to reaching a wider audience. With a wider audience reach, there come a variety of indirect benefits that can be derived from live event video streaming. A successful live stream can have an incredibly positive effect on brand image. This is because it offers an opportunity for companies to present themselves in a positive light, showing off their product, work culture, or perceived value to their viewers. Such a positive image can often create a competitive advantage in the market and can result in increased loyalty from customers in the future. In addition to this, live stream content has the potential to become “viral” or at least generate increased interest in the short term or long term. This can lead to a significant increase in sales, not just from the content that is being streamed, but all associated products or sales of a particular brand. Another huge benefit of going live comes from the interactivity that is offered through live broadcasts. No other medium can offer the same level of interaction between a company and their viewers. It allows for real-time Q&A, feedback from viewers on presented content, or the ability to make an announcement and gauge viewer reaction. This interactivity can be invaluable to businesses as a feedback mechanism. For instance, a company can gauge public reaction to a new product and can make on-the-fly decisions to change or improve said product based on viewer reception. Returning to streaming in general rather than focusing on the live aspect, there is a wealth of data that shows on-demand video content is in high demand from internet users. It is logical to assume that if on-demand content is popular, then live streaming of an event that is happening “now” would be popular also. In fact, the demand is high and growing. According to a survey conducted by Newlio, 80% of respondents would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% would rather watch live video than see social media posts. Of those that were surveyed, 56% said they had watched a live video in the past year. This is a clear indicator of the direction in which content consumption is heading, and that direction is towards live video.

Growing Demand for Live Stream Production

Live event video streaming can enable an event that is taking place live somewhere to be recorded live and broadcast across various platforms. Digital technology guru, Artem Veremey, is using that opportunity to start, a new venture for event streaming services. The service that offers is far more advanced than a typical color webcast, according to Veremey. This depends on how advanced the services are, but using color webcasting as a comparison, Veremey is suggesting that offering streaming services today is more cost and time effective, of higher quality, and can reach a far wider audience using the global accessibility of the internet. If we put this into the context of the business event industry, companies could start to move their events only worth physical attendance into live broadcast shows. Live streaming can provide a platform to reach a wider audience, especially if viewers can view the event on demand at a later date. In the sports industry where ticket sales are a major revenue stream, clubs and organizations are always trying to utilize the broadcast rights to increase fan engagement both locally and around the globe. Providing live streaming services at lower costs than what it is to produce a TV broadcast might be an option to potentially increase fan engagement and viewership, especially for organizations in lower divisions.

Live Event Video Streaming Services

Recent advancements in video streaming technology have enabled small affordable video capture devices to stream event footage over wireless networks to anywhere in the world. This can be video from a simple web camera at one end, to a multi channel compact unit at the other end. Wireless video transmission systems can also be integrated into these portable streaming devices, offering a cost effective and highly flexible way of live video transmission for professional results. Broadcast professionals in Singapore who are interested in this type of technology should check out companies such as Teradek or LiveU.

Key Features and Capabilities Customer requirements for live streaming events can vary greatly, and so do the features of the service providers. At the most basic level, a customer wants to record and stream the event live. This requires a stable internet connection at the venue, video capture devices and a working content delivery network (CDN). The video capture devices are a crucial element; the old method of capturing video to a laptop (a webcam or firewire camera) has become old hat. More and more events are utilising onsite outside broadcast production teams to ensure the highest quality of video is captured and streamed. High production events such as live music performances often require fast camera angle switching, on screen graphical effects and even picture in picture streaming. These Onsite production teams can vary greatly in size and so can the production they deliver.

The other alternative is to leverage Singapore live event streaming companies.

Recently more and more events are beginning to be streamed live to viewers across the globe. This could be a sports event, a gaming competition, a music concert, you name it and there’s a company out there who can do it. By using these companies, the level of production can be significantly increased. Features such as multiple camera switching, on screen graphics can mimic that of broadcast television. High production values can give your viewers a better viewing experience and make the live event memorable. Broadcast quality can vary from standard definition right up to HD, this depends on your budget. An example of a company in Singapore that comes highly recommended would be the scaled up event streaming services from “”

Types of Live Event Video Streaming Services

In general, there are two main types of live event video streaming services. They are the live video streaming and the on-demand video streaming. On-demand video streaming is a form of video streaming whereby a recorded video is stored and played back by the end user on request. This is useful for events such as concerts whereby the end user would want to see the video again to catch a glimpse of their favorite singer, or it could also be educational seminars and talks whereby the end user can view the video again if they did not understand the content. Live video streaming on the other hand is a form of video streaming whereby a video is broadcasted real time to the end user. This is useful for event such as a World Cup match, whereby viewers can watch the matches live airing via the Internet. Live video streaming adds the element of ‘live TV’ to the Internet video experience. Both types of video streaming are useful but for the purpose of this article, we will focus specifically on live video streaming for live events. Live video streaming can be further divided into advertising (free) supported and pay-per-view video streaming. Nowadays, pay-per-view video streaming is not commonly used for live events as it is difficult to implement and there is always a risk of the end user not able to view the video due to technical difficulties. For advertising supported video streaming, a broadcaster provides free content to the viewer. This is the most popular method for content delivery on the Internet because consumers are not required to pay for any content. Viewing the trend of the past 5 years, most live events would prefer this method. It provides the easiest form of payment method and is psychologically easier on the end users as this is a free service for them. Lastly, there are broadcasters who want to provide live event video streaming as a premium service. This is done by having a subscriber-based service using broadband as the delivery mechanism. This method allows them to provide special viewing venues using enhanced interactive features possible. At this point, the level of personalisation and targeting will be so high that they will be no competitors from other viewing options. This is the most profitable method of live video streaming but it is tipped with being high risk.

Key Features and Capabilities

Additional useful features are providing technical support for both the event administrators and viewers. Often, events require customer support to solve live issues, and having knowledgeable staff with a ticket tracking system can be very effective. Staff can address issues from the viewers and track the issues that were resolved or are pending. Viewer support can range from online support for login and viewing issues to toll-free phone support. These are some of the key features and capabilities of live event streaming services.

Another set of features is the ability to capture the event and allow the video to be archived after the event has concluded. Many viewers may have schedule conflicts and are unable to view the event. The ability to watch the event at a later time is invaluable to these individuals. This is often the case with educational webinars and seminars. Step live and live on demand are features that allow for a simulated live event so a repeat event may have the look and feel of a live event. This is useful for saving bandwidth, and the second event may take place at a different time for viewers in other time zones.

Live event video streaming services come with key features and capabilities such as watermarking the video, using a dedicated page, and using a pop video. Your event can be watermarked using the company’s logo or for a pay-per-view event. An automatically generated URL, often referred to as a dedicated page, is one of the best ways to ensure that your viewers arrive at your event. Often times, a URL can be time-sensitive and the content is removed after the event has concluded. This is a great way to protect the content of your event. Pop video is a feature that can be used to promote a company logo, advertisement, or other video on the viewer’s screen. A small video will play in a window or will be displayed over the whole video with the option to close the window and resume viewing the original video. This is especially effective for advertising.

Pricing and Packages

Custom plan – Some live events vary from one another, this plan is suitable for large-scale events or events with special requirements e.g. SADC streaming and recording. Our sales representatives will work out a special deal with you to cater to your requirements. With bigger spending, you can also enjoy additional features e.g. Sponsor Ads and many more. (Full features customization to be implemented soon)

Specific package (Good for small events) – If you have already planned your event duration and estimated the number of viewers, this package would be suitable for you. You can save the hassle of calculating the cost on the Pay As You Go plan. With minimum spending required, you can enjoy the best deal with our features. This plan currently consists of Express package pricing.

Pay As You Go – This plan allows you to pay for the equipment and crews that you will be using on the event day. There are no minimum spending requirements, however, the cost per hour will be higher than the other plans.

The pricing plans and packages are designed for every type of live event video streaming. We offer various combinations of features and pricing plans that would suit your budget. Here is a quick summary of how the pricing plans work.

Live Stream Production in Singapore

Pre Production It is said that a good live show is 1% perspiration and 99% preparation, so as a live stream is a live show, it really needs to be prepared. During the pre-production phase of a live stream, productions must look into the format and content of the show. Storyboards and scripts generally increase the quality of a show as everyone working on the project knows what is happening. A recce is a very useful thing to do, especially if it is at a venue that the production has never been to before. This familiarizes the production team with the environment and can cut down any confusion or problems on the day of the actual event.

In order to carry out any successful live streaming project, there is a need for a carefully planned production process. Live streaming is unforgiving to mistakes, and audiences have little patience for poor quality productions. There are no second chances with a live stream; it only happens once, and therefore everything must be planned to the finest detail. Production is the stage wherein rehearsals happen, show design is decided, cameras and audio are checked, and what is going to happen during the live show is played out.

Overview of Live Stream Production Process

Audio and video are acquired on location and an encoding device like a laptop with software or a hardware encoder is used to send the audio and video content to a Content Delivery Network. The encoding device creates a high quality video file and then pushes that file to the CDN servers. The CDN servers distribute the live stream to an audience. This is a highly simplified explanation and there are many more steps and components to the live stream production process, but this is the basic idea. In the next sections, I will cover what it takes to get the audio and video content from the camera to the viewers of the live stream. Then, I will cover how to make the live stream accessible to viewers in different formats and locations. And finally, I’ll cover how to best prepare for going live to ensure a high quality stream.

Equipment and Technology Requirements

Internet – The internet is effectively the lifeblood of a live stream. As a general rule, you should allocate twice as much upload bandwidth as the bitrate you want to stream at. For example, 512kbps (video bitrate) 128kbps (audio bitrate) = 640kbps total bitrate. So for this, a minimum of 1.2mbps upload speed is required. Always look for a wired internet connection over WiFi where available. A tool to bond two internet connections into one may also be beneficial. This increases reliability of the stream, effectively combining two internet connections into one, and if one connection fails, the other will take over.

Audio – The audio is an extremely important part of any production. People will forgive poor quality video, but they will not forgive poor quality audio! Ideally, the audio should be mixed on a dedicated audio mixing console. For live streaming, it’s best to use XLR microphones where possible, as audio from XLR microphones can be input into the camera and the delay between vision and sound will be minimal. This is important as audio from mics plugged into other devices will often be out of sync with the vision.

Switcher – This is effectively the vision mixer. Most live streams are sourced from multiple cameras, and it’s the switcher’s role to switch between the cameras. A single operator can create the same effect as a national TV program, deciding which camera shot will go to air and when. It is best to use a dedicated live mixing device because live mixing with software on a PC can often be resource heavy and prone to crashing.

The next consideration when producing a live stream is the equipment and technology requirements. To ensure the production runs smoothly, it’s important that all the components of a live streaming are designed and configured for the live streaming and not a post-event recording. The following are some of the requirements necessary for a live stream production.

Best Practices for Successful Live Stream Production

The final step is the promotion of the live stream. Advertise the time, the place, and the content of the live stream well in advance to potentially attract more viewers.

Fourth is to run tests and trials on both the production and the actual streaming prior to the event. This will catch any possible problems and resolve them before they become an issue during the actual live stream, as well as give an idea of the overall quality of the stream.

The third step is to make sure there is a backup connection in place. This is self-explanatory; if your main connection drops, the backup will start and the stream will go on. This is essential for the live stream to go smoothly as Singapore isn’t exactly infamous for its extremely reliable internet.

The second step is to prepare high quality audio and visual content. This means getting the best camera and audio feed possible, given the constraints of your environment. For instance, if you are filming a low lit stage show, use a camera that performs well in low light. If you are filming a loud environment like a car race, use a camera with good visual noise performance and a microphone with high sound pressure tolerance. This is important in Singapore more than other countries because our plethora of indoor and outdoor events in high noise or low light environments.

There are five primary steps to producing a successful live stream. The first step is to plan your content and choose a target audience. Whether it is a sporting event, concert, product launch, press conference, or an educational seminar, it is important to choose content that will attract and maintain viewers. Knowing the intended audience is useful because it will help determine the overall production values, as well as the best means of publicizing the event. In Singapore, the best means of publicizing a live stream is mostly likely social media with its broad outreach. An event posted to Facebook intended for a younger audience will be best publicized using different methods than something intended for an older audience.


In conclusion, live event video streaming in Singapore provides an interesting and diverse market for a range of customers. Low bandwidth solutions for mobile devices are ideal for government and educational institutions, who wish to convey information to their remote audiences. The consumer and corporate market will benefit from high-quality and low bit rate video streaming. This allows greater audience reach for global events, product launches, and various promotions. As internet and mobile device technologies evolve, it is expected that video streaming will become an integral part of everyday life for an increasing number of people and will cease to be merely a form of entertainment.

With devices such as these, your video footage must undergo encoding processes. As previously stated, there is the possibility of encoding video and audio through software, but there are many hardware-based solutions which offer outstanding results. An excellent entry-level hardware encoder is the ViewCast Niagara 4100. This device can encode two full-resolution video streams and contains an internal loop back capability to check the stream is correct. For the best results in hardware encoding, however, the Elean X.264 series presents some of the, if not the best H.264 hardware encoders obtainable. These devices offer remarkable video quality at extremely low bit rates, which is certainly most beneficial for live event video streaming on the internet. Costs are expensive but without doubt, these devices are a wise investment for those who seek the best.

The current market provides an impressive range of video capture cards and if price is of concern, then there are beneficial options available to customers. Both internal and external cards from Osprey are extremely reliable and apply hardware encoding for H.264. The Osprey 100e is a high-quality yet cost-effective solution which is excellent for customers using their first video capture card. With no compromise in video quality, this card delivers multiple streaming capabilities and supports that all-important H.264 format. For more professional requirements, the Osprey 700 series is a top-of-the-range solution which provides high performance and consumes low power. This card allows multiple video streams over a range of applications and enables high-quality video to be displayed on mobile devices, again through the application of H.264 format.

You do not wish to invest a significant proportion of the budget in the direction of separate hardware encoders. H.264 decoding hardware performs exceptionally well and is extremely beneficial with regard to live event video streaming. Software encoders are compatible with almost all forms of video capture card, but the best solution is to employ a capture card with on-board H.264 encoding.